Articles of Faith 10-13

Articles of Faith 1:10-13 – to be discussed May 6
NOTE: All suggestions to memorize the Articles of Faith are of course optional
Day 1: Read Articles of Faith 1:10; D&C 29:7-8; 1 Nephi 22:11-12; 3 Nephi 17:4; D&C 110:11
1. List five events prophesied in Articles of Faith 1:10. Which of these has already seen partial fulfillment?

2. Read D&C 29:7-8 and 1 Nephi 22:11-12. From these passages, how and why will Israel be gathered?

3. Read 3 Nephi 17:4; D&C 110:11. What is the difference between the gathering of Israel and the restoration of the lost Ten Tribes?

Day 2: Read D&C 43:23-35; D&C 45:64-71; Moses 7:18
4. In D&C 43:28, the Lord called on latter-day saints to labor in his vineyard “for the last time.” Why and how are we asked to labor?

5. Read D&C 45:64-71 and Moses 7:18. How is Zion described in these two passages?

6. From D&C 45:71, how will the righteous be gathered?

Day 3: Reread and memorize Articles of Faith 1:10; read Ether 13:1-6; Micah 4:5-7; Zechariah 14:9; Revelation 11:15 Bible Dictionary entry, “Paradise
7. Read Ether 13:1-6. How and why will the New Jerusalem be built on the American continent?

8. Read Micah 4:5-7 and Zechariah 14:9. What kind of a King is Jesus? Over whom will He reign? Over whom does He now reign? (See also Revelation 11:15.)

9. Read the Bible Dictionary entry, “Paradise.” What does the word mean? What is a Paradisiacal glory? (See also Articles of Faith 1:10a.)

Day 4: Read and memorize Articles of Faith 11:1; read D&C 134:7; Alma 21:12-23
10. Is it a privilege or a right to exercise our agency in choosing how or if we worship Almighty God?

11. Read D&C 134:7. What did the Lord say government is obligated to provide its citizenry? In what way(s) should government be limited in regard to religious activity?

12. Read Alma 21:12-23. What “crime” had Aaron and his brethren committed? What political changes did King Lamoni make? What was the result?

Day 5: Read and memorize Articles of Faith 1:12; read D&C 58:20-22; D&C 98:4-12
13. Why should we be subject to secular leaders when we have covenanted to recognize Christ as our Head?

14. How might showing tolerance and respect toward government officials impact the church as a whole?

15. Read D&C 58:20-22 and D&C 98:4-12. What is our responsibility in obeying, honoring and sustaining the law? (See also Mosiah 29:17, 25-27.)

Day 6: Read Articles of Faith 1:13; Philippians 4:4-9
16. List the five things we should strive to BE and the one thing we are counseled to DO from the first part of Article of Faith 13.

17. How has your own or someone else’s benevolence or “doing good” affected your life?

18. Read Philippians 4:4-9. What is Paul’s promise to the Philippian saints if they heed this counsel?

Day 7: Read and memorize Articles of Faith 1:13; 1 Corinthians 13:4-7.
19. List the three verbs in Paul’s admonition, as outlined in Article of Faith 13. How are these three attitudes linked?

20. Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. What specific gift or quality will help us endure all things?

21. How can we fill our lives with virtuous, lovely and praiseworthy thoughts and activities?

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