Articles of Faith 1:1-4 Study Guide, to be discussed April 22
[Note: Suggestions on memorizing the Articles of Faith are of course optional!]
Day 1: Read Articles of Faith 1:1; Topical Guide entry, “God the Father – Elohim/Eloheim; Bible Dictionary entries, “Holiness” and “Holy Ghost”
1. Using the Topical Guide entry, “God the Father – Elohim/Eloheim,” give three examples from the New Testament that suggest the Father, Son and Holy Ghost are separate and distinct beings.
2. Timing yourself, write all the names of Jesus you can think of in 30 seconds.
3. Read the Bible Dictionary entries, “Holiness” and “Holy Ghost” (pp. 703-704 in your Bible Appendix). According to the entry on Holiness, what is the meaning of the adjective “holy”? From the entry on the Holy Ghost, list three sacred purposes of this third member of the Godhead.
Day 2: Re-read and memorize Articles of Faith 1:1; read D&C 130:22-23; Acts 17:28; Moses 2:26-29; Luke 24:36-40; JS-H 1:16-17; John 14:25-27
4. Read D&C 130:22-23. When and where was this revelation received? Read also Acts 17:28. Does the fact that the Father has a tangible body limit His power? How does this fact give you hope? peace?
5. Read Moses 2:26-27, Luke 24:36-40 and JS-H 1:16-17. How do we know Jesus has a tangible body?
6. Read John 14:25-27. As a personage of spirit, what advantage does the Holy Ghost have in fulfilling His specific mission on earth?
Day 3: Read and memorize Articles of Faith 1:2; read Romans 3:23-24; D&C 93:38-39; 2 Nephi 2:25-26; Moses 6:53-54
7. Why should we NOT be punished for Adam’s transgression?
8. Read Romans 3:23-24. Is anyone, other than Christ, free of sin? From D&C 93:38-39, what three things listed here cause us to sin?
9. Read 2 Nephi 2:25-26 and Moses 6:53-54. Why is punishment appropriate when we sin?
Day 4: Read Articles of Faith 1:3; Bible Dictionary entry, “Atonement”; Romans 5:8-11; Alma 7:10-14; Moses 5:6-8
10. How can we be saved from the effects of Adam’s fall and from our own personal sin?
11. Read the Bible Dictionary entry, “Atonement.” According to paragraph 2, what part of Christ’s atonement in unconditional? What part is conditional?
12. Read Romans 5:8-11 (with footnote 11a), Alma 7:10-14, Moses 5:6-8. Why was a sacrifice necessary to reconcile us to God?
Day 5: Re-read and memorize Articles of Faith 1:3; read 2 Nephi 9:19-23; Matthew 7:21-25
13. Read 2 Nephi 9:19-23. Upon what condition(s) do the effects of the atonement hinge?
14. Why is our obedience necessary? (See also Matthew 7:21-25.)
15. To what must we be obedient?
Day 6: Read Articles of Faith 1:4; 2 Peter 1:2-9; Hebrews 11:1; D&C 84:19-22; Moroni 7:40-43
16. What is the difference between a principle and an ordinance? (See also Hebrews 11:1 and D&C 84:19-22.)
17. Read 2 Peter 1:2-9. Why is faith in Christ the principal principle?
18. Read Moroni 7:40-43. How can we increase our faith and hope in Christ?
Day 7: Re-read and memorize Articles of Faith 1:4; read Helaman 15:7-8; 2 Nephi 31:5-12; 3 Nephi 27:12-21
19. Read Helaman 15:7-8. List steps to becoming firm and steadfast in the faith.
20. Read 2 Nephi 31:11-12 (extra credit: verses 5-12). What did the Father ask of us (v.11)? What promise and command did the Savior issue in v. 12?
21. Read 3 Nephi 27:12-21. List elements of the first four Articles of Faith as they appear in Christ’s teachings on His gospel in this passage of scripture.
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